Need for policies and activities such as housekeeping activities and policy development in
order to maintain the order and comfort to reduce the problems of the city in the future.
Based on the context of the analysis and evaluation purposes traffic congestion costs, caused by an increase in the number of motorcycle users against traffic and transport in urban areas, it is first necessary to understand the Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) motorcycles in greater depth. In this reseaarches conducted interviews done with a special kind of motorcycle scooter matic domiciled in Dormitory Military Makorem 012 / TU Alue Peunyareng route from the hostel to the Central Business District (CBD). Analysis of the data for the calculation of the BOK is done manually and statistical analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 20. Statistical analysis includes analysis of the correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination (R2), t test and F to variable bound (dependent) is traveling, and the independent variable (independent), namely fuel, engine oil, gear oil, tires, tires, servicing, spares and unexpected costs. The results were obtained magnitude maximum BOK matic scooter type motorcycle with a capacity of 150 CC, 125 CC, 115 CC, 110 CC, respectively, are the costs Rp 379.10 / km, Rp667,44 / km, Rp749,32 / km and Rp552,96 / km. While the average BOK is Rp327,34 / km, Rp365,30 / km, Rp471,80 / km and Rp332,11 / km. The factors that affect the BOK is the cost of fuel oil (BBM), the cost of engine oil, servicing fees, and the cost of spare parts, with a probability level of significance of less than 0.05 (5%). BOK Model matic scooter type motorcycle, which is Y
= 104.325 + 0.006 X1 + 0,003X2 - 0,002X6 + 0,000X7.
Keywords : Model, BOK, Motorcycles, Multiple Linear Regression
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