Analysis Of Domestic And Non-Domestic Clean Water Needs In Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatera

Okma Yendri


Water is one of the natural resources that have the main function for the life of living
things on earth. For this, water must be protected to remain beneficial to the lives of humans
and other living things. Central and local governments and the private sector work through the
provision of clean water (SPAM / PDAM) to distribute clean water to the community to improve
public health. The purpose of this study is to calculate the projected population of the city of
Lubuklinggau in 2032, calculate household water needs and analyze Domestic, Non-Domestic
Water Needs, Total Water Needs, Water losses, Average Water Needs. The results obtained: a.
Projected the population of Lubuklinggau city in 2013 was 213,071 people up by 4.15%, in
2014 it was 217,332 people up by 4.23%, an increase in the population of 0.08%, so that in
2032, the population was 292,256 people; 2013. Household Clean Water Needs are 31,960.63
Liters / day in 2032, is 37,446.97 Liters / day .; Domestic Clean Water Needs, Non-Domestic
Water Needs, Total Water Needs, Water Loss, Average Water Needs ie in 2013 there was an
increase in the population of 4.15%; in 2014 there was an increase of 4.23 from the previous
year, and it is similar. Domestic, Non-Domestic Water Needs, Total Water Needs, Water Loss,
Average Water Needs in 2032 were 5.79%, while the highest difference was in 2024 by 2025, by
2026 by 2027, by 2027 by teh year 2028 0.11% difference.

Keywords—Domestic, Non-Domestic Water Needs, Total Water Needs, Water Loss, Average Water

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