Neneng Marlian, Yulie Rahayu Fitrianingsih, Very Roby


Research on fisheries was conducted in the mangrove waters ecosystem Kuala Bubon Village West Aceh. The purpuse of  research was to know  variations of fish species in the mangrove waters ecosystem Kuala Bubon Village West Aceh. fishs were colected using gillnet (mesh sized 1,5 inches) and  mesh net stocking (mesh sized 1 inch). The result on research showed that there were 7 types of fish  from 5 family with total fishs were 465 spesimen. The high distribution of fish variations was found at station I in the upstream of the river. As for the highest index of fish diversity, uniformity index and  index of fish species domination consecutive were H’ = 1,66 at station I, E’ = 0,85 at station I and C’ = 0,39 at station III.


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