Inovasi Olahan Puding Daun Kelor Guna Pencegahan Stunting Desa Makmur Kecamatan Celala Aceh Tengah

Elmi Amalia, Nuning Rahayu, Muhammad Bayu Sugara, Sovia Meliza, Adelia Putri, Kasman Arip, Rahmawati Rahmawati


Indonesia is one of the countries with a relatively high incidence of stunting in children, especially toddlers who require special attention, because it is a very important period in the process of growth and physical and intellectual development of children. Efforts to reduce stunting cases are a top priority for Aceh Tengah District. The purpose of this activity is to support efforts to improve nutrition to prevent stunting, which is a disorder of child growth and development. In addition, this activity was implemented through training in making local processed products. These products were then distributed to the Makmur Village community during posyandu. The output of the implementation of this service activity is participation in supporting posyandu through the distribution of complementary foods which aims to improve the nutrition of mothers and toddlers in Makmur village and add information on how to create innovative food supplements that contain high nutritional value and are local products available around the community. The making of this product comes from moringa leaves and then made an innovation in pudding. The demonstration is not only for how to make it but also to provide practical knowledge about the nutrients contained in it. The community responded very positively to this assistance, in addition to increasing knowledge of stunting, it also added insight into the innovation of local moringa products.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmawati Rahmawati

Pintoe: Pengabdian Teuku Umar
p-ISSN:   I  e-ISSN:  I  DOI: 10.35308
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