Fitriadi Fitriadi, Andi Yusra


PDAM Tirta, Meulaboh, West Aceh District, WTP Lapang, is a regional company which gives clean water service to the people of Meaulaboh, West Aceh District. The capacity of production of PDAM Tirta, Meulaboh, West Aceh District WTP Lapang, was 80 liters/second, but during the system of distribution, it lost water at the average of ± 47.95% and the coverage of service of 39.06%. This condition was still under the ideal condition, that is, the loss of ≤ 20 and the coverage of service was ≥ 60%.

The aim of the research was to find the design of increasing the production capacity in order to increase the coverage of service and formulate the strategy to increase the production capacity in water distribution system. Based on the analysis, it could be concluded that the low coverage of service occurred because the people’s need for water at Meulaboh increased along with the increase in population. Another factor was the facility of distribution network and the production installation was already old so that a lot of water got lost.
Based on the projection of the number of population, using Geometric Method, it was found that the number of population at Meulaboh in the early of the current year of 2012 was 58,645 and at the end of the current year of 2021 was 71,894 with the level of the growth rate was 2.29%. The total need for water by the people of Meulaboh in the early current year of 2012 was 5,499,731 liters/day (63.65 liters/second), and at the end of the current year of 2021 was 9,920,712 liters/day (14.82 liters/second). Based on the data analysis, it was found that the increase of the planned production capacity was 115 liters/second. The strategic planning in supporting the increase of the production capacity of PDAM Tirtanadi, Meulaboh, West Aceh District, WTP Lapang was the strategic planning for decreasing the loss of clean water, the developing strategy for clean water supply system., the strategy for increasing production capacity, and the strategy for increasing the quality of water.

Keywords: Water Treatment Plan, Production Capacity, Increasing the Capacity, Population Projection.

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