Kekuatan dan Pemberdayaan Organisasi Gampong dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus di Gampong Mee Panyang Busu Kecamatan Mutiara Kabupaten Pidie Aceh)

Ahyar Ahyar, Saidaturrahmah Saidaturrahmah, Yusnadi Yusnadi, Hasrat Efendi Samosir


Gampong Mee Panyang Busu is one of the gampongs in the Mutiara sub-district, Kab. Pidie. So in this study, the author will explore the mechanism of the Keusyik (Village Head) of Gampong Mee Panyang Busu in building strength and empowering Gampong organizations, thus improving the welfare of the community. The focus of the case study is in Gampong Mee Panyang Busu, Mutiara District, Pidie Regency, Aceh Province. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method. In which the author attempts to describe the strength and empowerment of Gampong organizations in advancing the nation and improving the welfare of the people of Gampong Mee Panyang Busu, Mutiara District, Pidie Regency, Aceh Province. The results found the following points: namely by maximizing the duties and functions of Gampong apparatus/equipment by delegating tasks to each position, preparing superior Gampong empowerment programs, and realizing each activity program that has been mutually agreed upon.


Strength, Empowerment, Gampong, Welfare, Community


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Community : Pengawas Dinamika Sosial 
ISSN 2477-5746 (cetak); ISSN 2502-0544 (online)
Prodi Sosiologi
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Teuku Umar
Meulaboh, Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh 23681, Indonesia 
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 Community : Pengawas Dinamika Sosial dilisensikan dengan Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 .