Adam Sani


The purpose of this study is to determine the protection and rights of children in the international convention on the rights of children. The research method is through normative juridical study that is study in the form of legislation, legal principle, norm, etc. that is describe and analyze data about protection and rights of child in International convention about child rights. To the right of the child To the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that the States Parties to the Convention shall ensure that no child may be subjected to torture, or any other cruel, inhuman or humiliating punishment, shall not be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily, arbitrary. Every child deprived of his liberty must be treated humanely and respect the inherent dignity of the human person, and in a way and remember the needs of the person at his age. The rights of children in CRC are grouped into 4 (four) categories, namely the right to survival, protection rights, rights rights to grow (development rights and participation rights), namely the rights of children in The Convention on the Rights of the Child which includes the right of the child to express opinions in all matters affecting the child (the rights of a child to express his / her views in all metter affecting that child).

Keywords: Protection, Child Rights, International Convention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35308/jic.v1i1.452


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