Correlation of Laboratory Management With Students’ Ability To Monitoring Nutritional Status

Desi Dedi Arisandi, Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin, Arif Iskandar, Fedia Rizkita


The laboratory can act as its function if it is managed properly so that it contributes to the effectiveness of students in understanding a lesson. The purpose of the study was to determine the correlation between laboratory management and students' ability to monitor nutritional status. This study uses quantitative research methods with correlational analysis using a Likert scale. The research locus is the Nutrition Laboratory of the Faculty of Public Health, Teuku Umar University. The sample used was a total sampling of a population of 65 students majoring in Nutrition who took the nutritional status monitoring course in 2022. The data were analyzed using a questionnaire analysis test and an analysis of the student's ability to monitor nutritional status. To test the truth of the hypothesis, a computerized rank spearmen correlation test was used with the help of SPSS software version 25. The results showed that 94% of students thought that the laboratory management activities of the Faculty of Public Health, Teuku Umar University were very good. Almost all nutrition students have very high scores (92%) while the rest have high scores (1%), moderate scores (5%), and low scores (2%). Based on the spearmen rank test, a significance value of (0.000) < alpha (0.05) was obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.442. In conclusion, there is a correlation between laboratory management and the ability of students to monitor nutritional status with a currently level of relationship strength.

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