M Qadafi, Maidi Saputra, Joli Supardi


The purpose of this study is to find out the cause of the damage and how the repair of the belt conveyor was carried out by the Maintenance team pt. MIFA Brothers and know the components of the conveyor belt in PT. MIFA Brothers. a Belt conveyor is one of the material transportation tools that use a running system that is very commonly used to move solid materials with short-distance designs up to long distances. Type of damage to the conveyor belt that occurs in PT. Mifa Brothers include damage to the impact roller, wear and tear on the rubber diamond, wear and tear on the carry roller, damage to the belt, and damage to linear plates. The cause of damage to the conveyor belt that occurred in PT. MIFA Brothers among others there are 4 points based on fishbone diagrams among others: a. Material (standard or not material condition). b. Machine (malfunction or any design errors in the main equipment). c. Environment (the state of the environment around the conveyor belt work area). d. Human Error (operating errors, surrounding environment such as ocean currents, and cleanliness of equipment). In its maintenance can be done Daily Inspection (Daily Inspection), Monthly Inspection/Examination Conveyor)  and Annual Inspection.


Keywords: Belt conveyor, Cause of damage, PT. MIFA Bersaudara.

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