Analisis Faktor Utama Penumpukan Sampah Laut di Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Analysis of the Marine Debris Accumulation Factors in Southwest Aceh District

Ika Kusumawati, Mita Setyowati


Marine debris in the coastal area has become one of the complex problems faced by an area near the coast that has several rivers that lead to the sea. Community behavior about marine waste is strongly influenced by knowledge, environmental insights, attitudes towards the issue, and motivation to find solutions to problems. The study was conducted in the Southwest Aceh District. The purpose of this study was to analyze community perceptions of the factors that led to the accumulation of marine waste in the Southwest Aceh District. The study was conducted from January to June 2018 by distributing questionnaires to 383 respondents. The results of the study indicate that poor community behavior and low enforcement of government regulations related to marine waste management are factors that cause the most accumulated marine waste chosen by respondents, namely 38.8% and 19.1%.


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